Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 10 on my juicing ...Friday

I am doing this with no hard times this go around. I am positive it's because the season is Summer and the fruits and vegi's are available more this time of the year. After I got up today I first had wheat grass as last night I forgot because I traded the tea, honey and bee pollen for the wheat grass . I woke up and had my MSM capsules with 32 ounces of lemon squeezed water and sipped for about 1 hour until it was all gone.
I also had 2 big hearloom tomatoes and one went bad so I wasted money ,but took the rest and made this loving juice: 

1large heirloom tomatoes, package of baby tomatoes,1.5 large romaine lettuce zucchini,4 stalks celery,3 leaves Swiss chard ,handful of arugula,broccoli stem, 4 asparagus ,cilantro,cut of a white onion, small red pepper,1 habanaro pepper,and get this 4 figs . I had no cucumbers or I would of added 1 cucumber to this juice. Oh,I also made this juice in my Vita-Mix today as I know tomatoes don't blend well and I simply took my nutmilk bag to make the juice. I really like this drink as I have never used habanaro. I usually use garlic or jalapeno. This is only 1 jar of my juice ,as I have another in a mason jar.
I really like this drink-I better as it made 2-TWO -(3/4 full jars :-) This makes a mucky green drink as most of the juice made with tomatoes and greens seem to do so . I am really having fun with making my own juices and making others juices. I am actually getting used to vegetable juices without fruit although I might add either 1 pear or 1 apple no matter what. The watermelon in this photo will become-Watermelon juice with lime and mint  probably tomorrow or Sunday.

Tonight the hubby and I will be taking a 1.5 hour drive in order to go see the "American Idol"contestants put on a show past Seattle up North for the drive.This should be fun. What I will do is go to  prior to the show, to have a drink of Juice and Mike will eat there too as he loves their lentil burger and he is not Vegan nor Raw. Why not as the exit is on our way to the show I will also make sure to take my own cold water in a cooler purse thing I have with mini
iceblocks. I know I am not getting as much juice in as others, but I am completely satisfied day to day. I maybe get 90 ounces of juice or less. I do drink water and now added some Ginger tea to my days.

No matter how late we get home I will have wheatgrass .

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