Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 20 of Juice feasting....

I woke today and had my usual lemon water with MSM capsules. Now what I do every other day is either take my "Gods herbs" that I put in my video on You Tube  OR I take something called Gaia  -"Swedish Bitters." I take Both of these herbs-(not on the same day)-
(I trade both products every other day!) to help clean the  digestive system along with my Juice feasting. I feel so darn good every day and I am not hungry. I think my body is liking what I doing for it~I know I am liking my results that I am slowly but surely seeing on my body too.
 My face is losing the double chin and the top area if you know what I mean always seems to lose weight first and slowly shows up in the butt area.
I am back at the YMCA and I am incorporating weight training with the elliptical,treadmill and the rowing machine work also. I have been to the movie theatre 2 times and neither time did I want to have the popcorn. That is all cool. As I have really drilled it in my head to stay juicy and stay RAW over any other eating from here on out.....So watch me shrink!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY, DIANNE!! This is so cool. Thank you for sharing. YAY, GIRL!!! :) I'm cheering you on! <3 Giacinta