Preventing osteoporosis using natural methods
Did you know that women have a higher risk of dying from osteoporosis than from breast cancer?
As the population continues to age, the prevalence of osteoporosis will only increase. It is already a widespread condition, with 1 in 4 women and 1 in 8 men suffering from this disease.
Osteoporosis is a problem which is seriously under-appreciated by most. This lack of appreciation is largely due to the fact that osteoporosis happens late in life. Most people are not aware that more women die from hip fractures than breast cancer.
Osteoporosis is defined as a "skeletal disorder characterized by compromised bone strength which puts a person at an increased risk of fracture". It is this risk of fracture which makes the disease so deadly. Women have a 1 in 6 lifetime risk of a hip fracture. This is a higher risk than that of developing breast cancer, where the risk is 1 in 9 (1). Of women who suffer a hip fracture, 50% become dependent on others to perform daily tasks and 20% need long-term care.
Osteoporosis is typically diagnosed based on a person’s history of a fragility fracture, or on the basis of low bone density.
Would you like to know how to help prevent osteoporosis? EAT VEGETABLES! Vegetables help to preserve your bones, and help fight the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis. Juicing is an excellent way to make fresh vegetables a major part of your healing diet.
A university study (2) showed that vegetables and herbs can improve your bone metabolism. Researchers discovered that rats that ate common vegetables and herbs, such as onions, parsley and salad greens, had significantly less bone loss than rats not on this special diet.
Interestingly, milk powder and soybeans - foods believed to help slow the process of osteoporosis - had no effect on the rats' rate of bone resorption.
Another recent study (3) also showed a major link between fruit and vegetable intake for increased bone density but no such effect for dairy products.
As researchers have suggested for many years now, the minerals in our bones serve as a buffer against all the acid foods we eat. After a lifetime of buffering the acid load from eating diets which are full of grains, we have gradual loss of minerals in the bones and bone loss.
The therapy of osteoporosis may lie in its prevention. It is certainly worthwhile to consider decreasing the rate of bone attrition through the use of a diet favoring "alkaline ash". This type of diet would emphasize the ingestion of vegetables, fruits and protein.
2 nutrients which may have the necessary buffering effect are magnesium and potassium. Potassium supplements are recommended if, like me, you take frequent coffee enemas. The Gerson therapy recommends potassium supplementation. Magnesium and potassium are found in a variety of whole, unrefined foods, including fruits and vegetables.
There are theoretical reasons to expect a link between bone loss and potassium and magnesium. For instance, metabolic balance studies have shown that potassium helps your kidneys retain calcium, while a low potassium intake leads to increasing losses of calcium in your urine.
One of the best ways to normalize high body acid levels is
vegetable juicing.
Vegetable juice is also high in vitamin K (phylloquinone) which will actually cement the calcium into your bone matrix. Women should also investigate going on natural progesterone.
HOW I FELT TODAY: Actually I had a weird day all day yesterday. My tummy was yucky feeling. Now a s for today it was a enema,water,tea day NO excitement......
I am packing for my craft show tomorrow Saturday~